Socially Shared

Are you coming to the Socially Shared Women in Business Conference?

Back in 2017, about a year into my freelance journey, I was asked to speak at the Socially Shared Women in Business Conference.
Nerves ran high, my Imposter Syndrome came out to play, and I couldn’t quite believe why anyone would want to hear what a recently-turned-freelance journalist would have to say. I spoke about chasing your dreams, told some stories about what I had got up to in the process of chasing mine, and people seemed to enjoy it.
It was the start of my PR journey, the start of my business journey, and in some ways feels like a very long time ago yet in others feels like it was last week.
Fast forward to 2022 and the Women in Business Conference is back thanks to the Socially Shared team. I’m thrilled to have been asked to speak at the conference alongside a whole load of incredibly inspiring, successful and generally great people.
The theme is Communication so I’ll be focusing on how we communicate through the written word (perhaps predictably) but it’s safe to say I think it’s incredibly important – more than ever maybe – and there are ways we can do it well, and ways lots of people do it badly.
I’d be lying if I didn’t say the Imposter Syndrome wasn’t coming out to play again, and I still wonder whether there’s anything I may be able to say that actually helps people, but I’ll give it a blimin good go.
Regardless of whether you want to hear me speak, there is a packed programme of talks, workshops and more relating to how we communicate, all from some of the best in the business, plus a chance to network with like-minded individuals and take a day away from staring at screens to be around people. Tickets are going fast but you can still get your hands on them. Visit the Socially Shared website here for more information.
See you there!